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How to Download MP3's from YouTube

It's easy to extract mp3's from YouTube videos using tools you already have at your disposal:

Download the FLV video file

In Safari, go to the YouTube video you want. Type cmd-alt-A to open the Safari activity window. Look for the title of the YouTube page. Under it, there will be a list of http links. Only one will end in MB and be constantly changing. Double-click on that link and the video will be downloaded to your default downloads folder. It will probably be called videoplayback.flv.

Convert the FLV to MPG

Now you'll need to open the file you downloaded in VLC Player. You don't have to play it. Press cmd-shift-W to open the Streaming/Exporting Wizard: 1. On the first screen select Transcode/Save to file then click Next. 2. Check Existing playlist item and select the flv file, then click Next. Note: you should be able to select "Select a stream" and find the flv file on your computer, but that didn't work for me. 3. Check Transcode audio, set codec to MP3 and bitrate to 192, then click Next. 4. Under Encapsulation format, choose Mpeg 1, then click Next. 5. Check Choose and type a filename/location, without extension (.mpg will be added automatically). Click Finish, then wait about a minute while the file is created by VLC Player.

Repeat the same steps to Convert the MPG to MP3

From VLC Player, open the MPG file you just created. Again, press cmd-shift-W to open the Streaming/Exporting Wizard: 1. Transcode/Save to file 2. Existing playlist item (your MPG) 3. Transcode audio (MP3/192) 4. This time, instead of choosing MPEG 1, choose RAW 5. give the file a name ending in MP3. Again, it will take a minute to finish transcoding.
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